
Thursday, 3 January 2013

Stressing out?!

How to release stress

I don’t know for you, but I’m this kind of person that loves to work hard to succeed and reach my goals but my problem is whether I work or not I always get stressed before an exam, a presentation or just anything that seems important, a little bit too much even! So, I guess this article will be very helpful as much for me as for those that are just like me and get anxious and stressed pretty often. Either it’s because of school, job or family and friends relationships, we all need to get through it and find ways to get less stressed.

So here’s some little tips that I’m applying to myself that can also help you to defeat your stress problems:

1. Work out
Physical activity is the best way to release stress. So, go to the gym once in a while and take a walk outside whenever you feel anxious

2. Be organized and manage well your time
When you’re organized, you know what to do and everything is nicely set in your mind and if you manage well your time you’ll never get last minute and there’s no room for stress in your life.

3. Relax
At the moment, take deep breaths and try to change you mind. On your free time why not try some yoga? I’ve already tried this and sincerely it really helped me release the stress I had. I really enjoyed the silent and relaxed mood there was and I’m sure you will!  

4. Set your priorities
When you set your priorities you exactly know the things you need to do and you don’t get lost. You know where to go and that release you from stressing out too much!

5. Simplify and make it easy
Take time to understand what you need to do and try to simplify your work. No need to complicate everything just make easy and simple!

This is my ultimate tip. It’s actually something I do every time I get stressed. I eat something sweet and that helps me release all the stress. Just try it! But be careful too much is like not enough. Don't depend to much on sweets. It simply a way do get that little guilty pleasure that just makes you happy.

On the other hand, anxiety and stress is not always that bad. It’s actually healthy, if we all have that pinch of stress once in a while. Imagine someone that never stresses, pretty weird, right? It only becomes unhealthy when it becomes too much of a habit.

Hope you get through it and again always remember that moderation is the key for a healthy life! :)

Oh, yeah and.... BRIGHT IT UP!!